2025 marks the 50th year of the Surrey Street Rodders internationally renowned “Wheels Day” show, a totally non-profit & charitable family friendly event run to raise money for both local and national good causes.
Wheelsday started back in 1974 in Bracknell as a predominantly HotRod and Custom show. In its 48 years since that first event the show has grown and developed into the season opener for many car enthusiasts in both the HotRod and Custom scene as well as for Classic Car and Modern Classic owners, and has diversified to become a show where anything interesting with wheels is welcome.
From classic US style HotRods and Customs, to classic British and European cars all the way through to vintage buses and commercials, and even Dragsters and Tractor pullers “Wheels Day” is a show for all the family young and old.
Each year we support many good causes with the money raised at the show. In the last few months alone good causes we have helped have included the Royal Surrey County Hospital Charity in Guildford as well as Frimley Park Hospital childrens ward Christmas toy appeal. We have also made donations to St Wilfrids Hospice based in Chichester, Marie Curie and Charlies Promise Charity.
The show is run 100% non-profit so all the money raised helps good causes around the UK.